Earn $5.00 worth of BERM just to sign up!!!
**Using since 8/20/18**
Sign Up Instructions:
- Get the app here: Android or Apple IOS
- After installing and opening the app, create your account by entering your email address or phone number
- Create your password (something you can remember)
- Follow the prompts provided by the app to verify your information
- Likely and email or SMS text verification process
- Sign in to the app with the username and password you’ve given
- Tap the “Me” button at the bottom of the app
- Tap “Redeem Tokens” and enter the code c3ab1d08
- You should now see the 100 BERM in your balance; or $5.00 USD
- To check these balances, tap on the “Rewards” button to see the BERM balance; and tap on the “Market” button to see the USD balance
Instructions to Claim BERM from voting and answering quizzes daily:
NOTE: Quizzes have been disabled by the site app developers as of 4/9/19. If this feature is ever turned back on, you can continue to use steps 7-9 below!!!
- Ensure you are logged in on the app; if you see a balance on your app, you are already logged in
- Tap the “Home” button at the bottom of the app, then at the top tap the “Featured” button
- Each post has a “Bull” and “Bear” button at the bottom of the post in gray writing
- If you think the post is positive influence on the market, tap “Bull”; if you think it is negative influence tap “Bear”
- You will see the app respond with a blue color on Bull or a red color on Bear and you will see an animated +1 BERM float from the option you tapped
- Repeat this up to 10 times max; this will provide you with $0.50 cents per day worth of BERM
- Any posts that show the “Quiz” button highlighted in orange, tap that post or tap the “Quiz” button to expand the post
- Read the post and then the quiz question at the bottom of that post
- Tap the correct answer and then tap the large blue button with a check mark to submit your answer
- Correct answer will show you a blue highlighted response and a +2 BERM float from the app; an incorrect answer will show you a red highlighted response and will also show you what the correct answer was. Of course, no BERM will be paid to your balance for the incorrect answer.
See instruction video below…
Know more about this project, visit their website here: Berminal
Crypto BT Rick’s comments:
The devs of this project aim to provide a space where we can become educated through crypto news posts and rewarded for interacting with the space by receiving BERM tokens for our efforts.
I signed up on this app in August 2018, about 1 month after they announced their project online. I’ve seen various improvements over the months to date. However, they still have much more work to do to improve the accessibility and security features of their app before they can fully allow us to withdraw our tokens.
The things you can do to learn and earn from this app:
- You can read crypto news that is posted daily. They allow us to vote on up to 10 posts per day where they give us 1 BERM token for each vote. You simply will vote “Bull” or “Bear” on each post. After the first 10 votes, you will no longer receive 1 BERM per vote until the next 24 hour clock starts (0:00 UTC).
- The daily UTC clock starts at 8:00pm EST (USA) and 8:00am PHT (Philippines).
- Some posts provide a quiz question about the post itself. If you answer the quiz question correctly, you will receive +2 BERM for each correct answer. There is only 1 quiz question max per post. You can identify all posts that have a quiz question by seeing the “Quiz” button highlighted in orange as you scroll through the list of posts.
- There is no limit to number of quizzes that you can answer per day. The amount of quiz opportunity varies based on those who are making the posts.
- They have a game called “Crypto Psychic” where you can guess the Bitcoin (BTC) price that will be posted at 0:00 UTC every day. You must guess within the top 50% of all participants for that day’s winning post by the app.
- For this game, I provide a post to all of my followers every day between 9:00-11:00am EST (USA); 9:00-11:00pm PHP (Philippines).
NOTE: Their project is supposed to be launching their tokens on a trading exchange by end of March 2019. However, we must all wait until that announcement has been made by them. We can continue to collect the tokens daily. But, the actual access to the cash value will not take place until they have launched on an exchange for trading.