
In crypto currency, you will need to own your private keys to your crypto currency wallet addresses. This can be done by downloading apps that allow you to obtain the private keys to those wallet addresses.

Exchanges do not allow you to obtain private keys to your wallet addresses because they own the rights to those addresses and manage them for you on their servers.

When using your own private wallets, it is best safe practice to always back up the wallet with the instructions provided by the wallet app itself.

In addition, you should always write down or keep a file with all of your wallet details (i.e.- username, password, wallet address, private key, mnemonic phrase, etc). It is also recommended to use 2FA security on your wallets when available to prevent hackers from stealing your assets.

The apps and websites that you will find listed in this menu section will have basic instructions to help you get them setup.

Some wallets are on websites only and others are simple apps you can use on your smartphone. Some have website and an app to use based on your preference.

Hardware wallets are great for storing your crypto balances offline on a device that you can purchase. A link for those types will be provided on the list called “Hardware Wallets”.

Enjoy taking control over your crypto currency and stay safe!!!

Click on a button below to access the detailed page for each wallet…