To All BT Traders & Associates,
If you have been mining Pi on the Pi Nework app, the time has come for testing your wallet address to verify that the same address exists as what you have on the testnet wallet.
Please use the steps below to confirm if you have the same address on both the mainnet and testnet part of the network. I’ve included pics with each step to help you navigate this process easily.
NOTE: If any of these steps below you cannot perform or something looks different, please stop where you are in the process and DM me with a screenshot of your problem in the app(s).
Step 1 – Open your Pi Browser
(NOTE: If you do not have the Pi Browser installed on your phone, you need to download and install it first – to download the Pi Browser, tap the menu on the main Pi Network app and then tap the Mainnet option, then tap the mainnet checklist to get started.)

Step 3 – IMPORTANT – You need to find the passphrase that you saved when you created the wallet before now.
NOTE: If you never created a wallet, you must follow the generate wallet process first. If you did create a wallet already, but forgot the passphrase, I’m sorry to tell you that your access to the funds that will be transferred during the mainnet transfer process will no longer be accessible if you generate another new wallet…
Step 4 – Copy the passphrase to your clipboard on your phone so that you can paste it in the box provided on the app.
Step 5 – Paste the passphrase in this box and then tap the orange UNLOCK WITH PASSPHRASE button
Step 6 – If the wallet opens, you will get the mainnet wallet balance of 0 Pi showing up like this. Notice I’ve circled the Pi Mainnet and wallet address at the top and the wallet balance at the bottom.
Step 7 – Tap the wallet address that you see appear right below the Pi Mannet at the top of the screen. This will copy the wallet address to your clipboard. Then paste it in your desired chat app to send me a DM with it.
Step 8 – Tap Pi Mainnet dropdown at the top of the screen and select Pi Testnet from the list.
Step 9 – You should see a balance of 100.00000000 Test Pi in your wallet balance in the Pi Testnet screen. Now, repeat step 7 to copy and send me the wallet address from the Pi Testnet to see if they match.
Step 10 – If both of the addresses match, everything for your account is good to go for now regarding the wallet address. Now you can confirm your wallet address by going to the next section below.
NOTE: If both addresses do not match, it means that your funds in the original address that was created when the Pi Testnet was launched will not be accessible after they make the transfers into the mainnet at a later time. So, any Pi balance that you are earning currently will then be sent to the current Pi Mainnet wallet address you saw in step 7 the first time. Unfortunately, all of your other Pi that was mined will not appear in your balance later.
Confirm your wallet address by following the steps below…
Step 1 – Open the main Pi Network app and tap the menu icon
Step 2 – Tap the Mainnet option in the menu
Step 3 – Tap the Mainnet Checklist option
Step 4 – Scroll down the checklist and tap the step 3 there for “Confirm Your Pi Wallet”
Step 5 – Copy your passphrase to your phone’s clipboard the same as you did in step 3 earlier in the wallet address test instructions.
Step 6 – Paste your passphrase in the box on the app screen. Notice I’ve circled the box that you need to paste your passphrase into.
Step 7 – After you have pasted your passphrase in the box, then tap the orange “CONFIRM YOUR WALLET” button
Step 8 – Your checklist screen should have a green check in the boxes for steps 2 and 3. If so, you are finished for now. If not, you will need to check with me for possible reasons why your wallet could not be confirmed.