This exchange is used for trading crypto currency.
You can create your account by using the link below and complete the process given by the Binance website sign up instructions.
All you will need to initially to sign up is your email address and create a password to proceed with verification and enter your account.
US Users – Click this link to be redirected to the Binance sign up page…
Filipino Users – Click this link to be redirected to the Binance sign up page…
NOTE: Filipinos Only – This exchange does provide a referral option to receive commissions on your referral’s trading fees paid to the site when they make trades. They also have their own token “BNB” that you can collect for getting gains on the exchange’s overall success as their token increases in price over time. Pretty cool!!!
Best of success with your trading endeavors!!!
If you have any problems setting up your account, please send email to Please note that any spam emails will be blocked, if detected.